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The CPA MOMS Podcast

Feb 24, 2019

I’m sure you would agree that finding out about the latest celebrity drama and sharing it with a friend or a coworker is just part of our culture today.  It may not feel like such a big deal to let a trusted friend know what you heard about that difficult mother in the PTA.  Gossip can be a little exciting at first and maybe you feel a little bad afterwards but in the grand scheme of things it’s no big deal right?


What if I told you that gossip is harmful to your brain and can hurt you in the long term if it goes unchecked?   Once I learned about how our brains work and how we experience life, I realized how harmful gossip is to the lives we say we want to have.


This week I’m going to discuss why we gossip, how gossip affects your brain and how to curtail it.